Cyber Chads – the best IT company out there

Our services


From setting up the hosting to UX and building the thing – we got you covered.


Want your website to show up in the search engine as quickly as a horny horse’s dick? Give us a call.

Social Media Management

Trust us, we’re expert shitposters.

Conversion Optimization

Turn your visitors into clients, easily.

Graphic Design

Did you know that some of our art is in the Louvre? You didn’t? Well, now you know.


Build your business with our help and get filthy rich.

Piramid Schemes

Let us design and take care of your dream pyramid scheme.

Whatever Else

We can do pretty much anything. And we love money.

Dance on the grave of your competition

What we do is of the best quality. Seriously. Meet with us to gain the advantage we can give you and start doing whatever you wanna do seriously.



How are you so good?

We beat our employees with a whip. Also, we have pizza parties sometimes, which is good for efficiency, apparently.


How are you so quick?

Coffeine and methamphetamine.


Why are you so cheap?

Our main supply of labor is free. (enslaved Chinese children)